
Six tips on preparing a valued inventory list before you move

Preparing a valued inventory list is a tough job most clients dread doing. You will not have to worry if you follow these six valuable recommendations to help you. Remember that the insurance will only cover the items you have declared before the transportation.

1 – Patience
Our first piece of advice is to take it easy! It is essential to take the necessary time to compile the rating list thoroughly and with as much detail as possible. The better the list is put together, the easier it will be to submit a claim.

2 – Values
An important detail: you must always declare values in American dollars and include the replacement value of the goods at the destination as a reference.

3 – Group articles
There are different ways to declare these items. Some elements can be declared in groups. For example:

• Clothing and shoes
• Ornaments
• Books
• Tableware
• Others

4 – Valuable items
If you own an item of exceptionally high value, this piece must be declared individually. For example:

• A limited edition book
• A haute couture suit
• A luxury brand handbag
• Others

5 – Furniture/Electronics
Furniture, electronic items or household appliances must be declared individually, including their make and model.

6 – Do not include the following items:
It is not advisable to include pieces of extremely high value, such as jewelry, luxury watches, irrecoverable antique pieces, etcetera.

If, even after these tips, you still find it hard to prepare this list, remember that having a list will also help you keep order when it comes time to relocate your things to your new home.